The Trail Tamers are partnering with the Pines and Prairies Land Trust to repair on all-access trail on the Colorado River Refuge (CRR) that is unusable to due to silt and other debris from recent flooding by the Colorado river.
The trail provides access to the Colorado river and a wheelchair accessible picnic table. Volunteers will remove sand and other debris from the path and picnic table pad.
The CRR is located in the Tahitian Village Subdivision along Riverside Drive. It is free and open to the public during daylight hours. The Refuge meanders along the Colorado River within old-growth riparian habitat as well as through Post Oak savannah habitats and meadows along the Dragonfly Trail.
Kevin Deiters is the crew leader for this project. Pines and Prairies Land Trust (PPLT) was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit in February 2001.
The Central Texas Trail Tamers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.