The Central Texas Trail Tamers (CTTT) is hosting a trail project at Kickapoo Cavern State Park during Feb 15-19th that will include the conversion of an abandoned jeep trail (0.8 miles) to a hiking trail and other trail projects at the Park. This is a great opportunity to get outside and work in a very unique park. More information about the park is available at Kickapoo Cavern State Park — Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.
The CTTT’s volunteer activities are optional and non-essential. Your health and safety is our top priority, and your participation is at your discretion. We understand everyone has different levels of comfort and acceptable risk. If you aren’t comfortable returning to trail work when others are, we support you in returning to trail work when you are ready!
With regard to COVID-19, there are two conditions under which you may attend this CTTT project.
1) Get Tested. You need to have a documented negative PCR test (best) or Antigen (immediate results, not as good) viral test within three days of the beginning of the project. You will need to provide the document that shows the results of your test and you will need affirm that you have been symptom free for at least two weeks. If your test is positive, you may not attend the project.
We also strongly advise attendees to quarantine after getting their test to reduce the possibility of getting the virus in between testing and the beginning of the project. Quarantine means that you don’t have contact with anyone outside of your immediate household and neither does anyone else in your household.
If you are not vaccinated and have been exposed to a person who is known to have Covid-19 or in a high-risk situation, the recommended quarantine length is 7 days. After 7 days of quarantine, a negative test pretty much ensures that you did not catch the virus from the identified event or exposure. You should not attend an event within the 7-day exposure-related quarantine.
2) Get Vaccinated. You have a documented administration of a proven effective Covid-19 vaccine and you have been symptom free for at least two weeks. If the vaccine you are given requires two doses, you must have had your 2nd dose at least a week prior to the beginning of the project you wish to attend. If it requires only one dose, you should have had the vaccine at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the project.
Symptom free means none of the following symptoms (from any cause) for two weeks:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
Registration: There will not be a fee for the project and the Park is waiving entrance and camping fees; however, you must be an active member of the Trail Tamers to participate and you must agree to abide by the following COVID-19 Protocols:
COVID-19 Protocols
- Participants will need to sign a COVID-19 Waiver and provide documentation complete a self-evaluation before attending the project.
- Participants will need to provide documentation of either a negative COVID-19 test or a copy of your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card.
- Participants would need to bring their own PPE (gloves, safety glasses, hard-hats) and to bring their own hand tools (loppers, hand saws, etc.)
- CTTT tools will be cleaned before and after the project and assigned to participants for the duration of the project.
- The project will not have a communal base camp or kitchen gear. Each volunteer (or volunteers from the same household unit) will provide, store, and prepare food and drinks including water for themselves only.
- Practice physical distancing by keeping six feet or more away from others—best practice being ten to 15 feet apart when physically exerting one’s self and/or downwind of other people. Cloth face coverings must be worn when within 10 feet of others.
- CTTT will provide hand-washing stations at each work-site.
Registrants are encouraged to participate in an online planning meeting that is tentatively scheduled for Thursday February 11th at 7:00 p.m. Meeting instructions and required forms will be sent to
Kevin Deiters is the crew-leader for the project.