Texas Trail Tamers

McKinney Falls State Park - Homestead Trail

  • Saturday, August 28, 2021
  • 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • 4200 Smith School Rd, Austin, TX 78744
  • 5


Registration is closed

The Trail Tamers return to one of our favorite parks in Central Texas for a regular series of Trail Maintenance projects. We will clear water features to be sure the trails continue to shed water and do brushing to maintain the trail corridor. This is a good volunteer opportunity to give back to the parks you love and learn about how sustainable trails work. These projects are open to members and volunteers from the public. There is no charge for stewardship projects. Kevin Deiters is leading this project. 

Volunteers need to wear long pants and sturdy shoes. Bring work gloves and if you have your own, bring a hardhat and safety glasses. Bring your own water and snacks. The Trail Tamers will bring the required tools. 

Volunteers will meet at the Texas Parks and Wildlife State Headquarters adjacent to the park.  4200 Smith School Rd, Austin, TX 78744. Head to the parking lot next to Building D (past the main buildings). Note: This is not the park headquarters

The Central Texas Trail Tamers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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