This is the fourth morning work project scheduled at McKinney Falls State Park supporting Texas Parks and Wildlife Department build a new extension to the Onion Creek Trail. Volunteers will work under the supervision of the TPWD trail crew in cutting tread for the path.
Sign up and bring a friend. Be prepared for the heat and drink plenty of fluids
Don't worry if you can't make this workday because we will work on this trail for many more workdays until it is completed.
We will meet at the front gate to McKinney Falls State Park at 7:20am. From there we will caravan to the Amphitheater to meet with the park rangers for a 7:30am briefing before going to the trail building site.
It is approximately a quarter mile walk to the work site from the Amphitheater. A utility vehicle will be used to transport all tools and volunteer and safety equipment.
Please bring gloves, eye covering and head cover. It is recommended to wear long sleeve shirts and pants along with sturdy work boots or similar footwear. If you are unable to bring water the rangers will provide water and any medical treatments if needed.
Barring unusual weather conditions, it is anticipated that this will be a four-hour project with further follow-up dates until completion of the 1.8-mile trail reroute.
Directions: The park entrance is located at 5808 McKinney Falls Parkway, Austin, TX 78744 and is just past the TPWD Headquarters turnoff.
Kevin Deiters is the volunteer coordinator for this Saturday work session.
The Central Texas Trail Tamers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.